Gio's Thai Linux PageI maybe a lame Linux user. But I prefer to be lame user of a good OS, than being a excellent user using a lame OS.
In the first case, you can be better thru time only your ability is withholding, but for the second case, you just waste your time on other people mistake.No more endurance of blue screen effect/syndrome, application not responding, now we have alternatives.As my country face with economic crisis in 1997, I'd realized that the cost of software can be saved after listen to H.M. King Rama IX speech on 4 Dec 1998, the self-sufficient society is the solution to better economic and quality of life.
So, I and some friends was established Thai Linux Working Group, which is non-profit and intend to provide alternative of free software to the community with NECTEC as main sponsor. After the SchoolNet Linux-SIS, you can called it sequal, with the believe that we can improve it.
If anyone has interest or want to volunteer, you may not need the programming knowledge you can still help and we do need it, please contact me for more information.
We do intend to localize and develop Linux, make it easy to use for Thai and the rest of the world. We have plans to support user groups, make documents when we release Thai Linux v 1.0.
Or visit Thai Linux Working Group Homepage for more information and on-going projects.
For my project, please wait for latest update.We welcome any request, comment and suggestion, please e-mail it to me.
Composed by Gio
Copyright © 1998 Gio The HeaTheN