www.info.in.th : Where you can find unique leisure information about Thailand
Where you can find unique leisure information in Thailand

Travel Section
www.info.in.th : Travel : Loei
Fast Fact :
Tourist Attraction : Phu Kradung National Park, Phu Rua mountain
Location : North-eastern Thailand
Travelling : How to get to Loei

By/FromBkkLoeiUbol rachathaneeKon Khaen
Car700 Km. (8 hrs drive)
9-10 on coach or VAN
1 hr1 hr1 hr
Train12 hrsN/AN/AN/A
Airplane1.5 hrsN/AN/AN/A

Activities : Plants and animal study, Hiking
Food : Local (North-eastern Thai style, very spicy and hot, you have been warned).
Accomodation : Variety of National Park, resorts and hotels.
Forest type :
Summary :
Most popular Northern destination and center of Northern Thailand.
Galleries :

Phu Kradung National Park
Phu Kradung National Park Gallery
Phu Rua Park
Phu Rua Park Gallery

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